I was digging through boxes that I’ve stored in my parents’ basement (hoping they won’t notice that I’m complete adult and full-on homeowner now – though in my defense, the condo is […]
It sure as hell is. Oh, I should tell you now: I have the vocabulary of a well-educated sailor. So if you're offended by the occasional colorful word...well, there's a big wide internet out there - choose your own adventure.
"Life's too short not to sparkle." It's also too short not to live authentically. “Authentic” is a word that gets thrown around a lot in personal development and, sadly, I’ve seen too many people who have used “authenticity” as a blanket excuse for bad behavior.
Being “authentic” and being “yourself” does NOT give you license to be:
* an unbridled asshole
* an emotional blackmailer
* an irresponsible steward of this planet and the human experience
* one of those unspeakable demons who will open a can of tuna on an airplane (WHY)
Nope, sorry. Self-responsibility still 100% applies.
Authenticity means you own who YOU are from a healthy and aligned place- not who you think you should be for others to be loved or accepted (hint: you aren’t the only human struggling with “never feeling good enough”). When you give yourself permission to be “you”, when you deeply know your own worth, when you consistently make choices in alignment with your highest good, when you understand how to be both compassionate and set strong boundaries when necessary - THAT is living authentically.
This blog is about the journey of embodying self-worth and stepping into a life that is authentically YOU.
There was a time in my life when I deeply longed to hit the pause button. I knew exactly what I was looking for, what my soul needed at that […]
Tonight, my dear brother, friend, and talented master of all things visual, Andrew Reed, surprised me with a collection of personal video messages from my retreat attendees. Ugly. Cried. Y’all. […]
I retreat a lot. In fact, I’ve retreated three times in the last two months… I keep waiting for people to ask when I’m going to stop retreating and start […]
Today, October 5th, I hit Level 43, y’all!! I’ve collected soooooo many experience points to reach this level. Last night, at a lovely birthday dinner, the waiter kindly and jokingly […]
Today is the day!!! Purchase Dare to Express on Amazon for only $.99 I am so honored to have been a part of this powerful collaboration, Dare to Express: A […]
Ladies, this one is for you: Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by Regina George. Whether you get the movie reference or not, I’ll bet this sparkly pen […]
The Universe always has my back. And I’ve fought it on that fact *plenty*, believe me. I used to demand to know the “HOW” and the “WHEN”. Spoiler alert: that’s […]
Hold on to your butts, I’m about to ruin sunflowers for you. Just kidding…I’m not ruining them, they’re still awesome. Sunflowers are bright and beautiful. An entire field of them […]
I don’t know about you, but I used to let *everything* get to me. Not just the big things that happen in life. Of COURSE those are going to impact […]
No healer No teacher No therapist No coach Can be fully responsible for your healing. They can be: Your guide Your mirror Your safe place Your tough love Your wake […]
I was thrilled to be invited to be a guest on The Matt Sodnicar Podcast! We discuss divorce recovery, why “rah rah” coaching culture isn’t helpful, and I share more […]
“And now for something completely different…” When I was invited on The Brandon Peters Show to discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer, well…that was an easy “Hell YES!”. This movie, and […]
“So…you want to be dead?” “Wh….what?” “Your goals. You’re aspiring to be dead?” “I…umm…what?” I could sense my new client questioning whether she’d made a grievous error in signing on […]
I can’t say I’ve thought a lot about bamboo in my life. (I mean, have you?) But I have thought a lot about success, and how some people achieve it […]
It was a Monday morning. I opened my eyes, stretched, did a quick gratitude practice, and set my intention for the day. Then I got up to let my puppy […]
Ah, the New Year! A new calendar year gives us the feeling of a fresh start. The feeling of pure possibility, like a blank notebook or the pristine radiance of […]
So many themes have surfaced this year that are directly connected to my favorite topics. Boundaries are one of them. I’m going to use an example I’ve seen come up […]
Y’all, I’m BACK!! I’ve been on sabbatical for…well, who’s counting…but it’s been for good reason! Everything has seasons and these last eight months have been a “winter” season for me […]
I took this picture of my sweet puppy snuggling up to me, with his little floofy head nuzzled into my chest because my heart was so full of love for […]
The principles I write and speak about have never been more applicable than they are right now. The balance of feeling and processing your emotions in a healthy way while […]
“Hey everyone! Stop moping. Yes, I know your sporting events, social gatherings and concerts have been cancelled for a few weeks. The world has NOT ended, commerce is still happening, […]
Certainty. It’s a human need. Certainty we can be safe, loved, sheltered. But what happens when everything suddenly becomes UNCERTAIN? When that which made a modicum of sense yesterday…makes none […]
Listen to me. You are NOT broken. …even if you FEEL broken. You’re just healing. You are whole within yourself. You’re just learning to remember it. If you’re going through […]
Call them resolutions, call them intentions. Call them pancakes for all I care. But set them and set them the right way. Set yourself up for success. Drop this notion […]
Ah, the holidays! All is merry and bright. Or…maybe it isn’t for you this year. And that’s okay too. Because let’s be honest – some years, it isn’t. Some years […]
Our collective societal impatience is largely a product of the microwave and the age of the credit card, through which we’ve developed a borderline unreasonable ability to be instantly gratified. […]
We’re going to get a little exercise today. Those of you who have ever felt a deep need to be “perfect” or categorized yourself as a “perfectionist”, please stand up? […]
Thanksgiving. The giving of thanks. grat*i*tude (noun): the quality of being thankful Your reaction to this word may fall into one of several buckets: “Gratitude. Yes. That’s a practice I […]
THE BOOK IS OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE ON AMAZON!! It has always been a dream of mine to be a published author …and it happened! Holding this book in my hands is surreal […]
Writing has always been my preferred medium. I wrote in a previous post how much I love words, how they light me up and provide the outlet for my particular brand […]
One year ago, my blog went live! 🎉🎂🎈 Here’s the secret: I bought this domain name two years before it went live. For two years, I had a blank home […]
There’s a misconception that it comes easily, success. That a painter paints a masterpiece each time. That a writer sits down and pens a flawless manuscript. That an entrepreneur builds […]
One of the most well-intended yet detrimental things we say to each other, and to ourselves, is “Don’t feel that way” followed by an equally well-intended “chin up” soliloquy. “Don’t […]
A very personal post, following a beautiful spiritual retreat in Kythnos, Greece… For the past year, I’ve been on an intense journey of deep inner healing – healing and evolving […]
Fear. Fear is a mother f*cker. Fear keeps us small. Fear keeps us stuck. Fear keeps us from our dreams. When you peel back the layers, drop the smokescreens, ditch […]
How many of you have flown on an airplane, even once in your life? Once is enough to know the mandatory safety announcement (that you completely ignore, but whatevs) tells […]
Living an authentic life is an ongoing process for all of us, and has many elements. Here’s one I want to discuss today: Making choices in alignment with your highest […]
“When we are upset, it’s easy to blame others. The true cause of our feelings, however, is within us. For example, imagine yourself as a glass of water. Now, imagine […]
I posted a video on this topic on my Instagram (@jwreyallday) a few weeks ago about an encounter I had while walking my dog. Today I was prompted by a […]
I hear it all the time. I can’t. “I can’t get healthy” “I can’t get over it” “I can’t get a handle on my finances” “I can’t breakthrough this block” […]
Ha. Y’all thought I meant a different “S” word, didn’t you? Nope, I mean “shoulding” yourself. I’ll bet you a coffee you “should” on yourself about the same percentage of […]
As many of you know, I had to say a very hard goodbye to my furry best friend, Killian, recently. I am tearing up even typing these words. We grieve […]
I felt it. Bubbling up from deep inside, in spite of my desire to hold it together. Dropping my almost-18-year old kitty off for more diagnostic testing, the sweet vet […]
I spent the week leading up to Christmas in Panama. 2018 has been “a year” in the Life of Jen, leaving me “soul-tired”. Time by the ocean in a beautiful location […]
“We change. We have to. Or we spend the rest of our lives fighting the same battles.” That line from Star Trek Beyond always gives me chills…and not just because […]
I used to have a black belt in kicking my own ass. (Tip: not the cardio workout you’d hope) I was an expert in beating myself up. A World Champion, […]
Acceptance of what IS. This is the first step in any journey, and most notably in our personal growth toward creating a life of true fulfillment. When we deny our […]
**Let me preface this (because who doesn’t love a post that starts with a disclaimer) by saying all my client sessions are completely confidential. All identifying details are always removed. […]
Another phrase that has become cliche. And yet the reason a phrase becomes “cliche” is that the series of words strung together to create a powerful phrase started because people […]