

March 24, 2019

Fear. Fear is a mother f*cker. Fear keeps us small. Fear keeps us stuck. Fear keeps us from our dreams. When you peel back the layers, drop the smokescreens, ditch […]

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As a tough love coach, I’m here to guide you towards everything you want - and then some!


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I help you get exactly what you want and do the hard thing to make your dream a reality!


Fear is a mother f*cker.

Fear keeps us small.

Fear keeps us stuck.

Fear keeps us from our dreams.

When you peel back the layers, drop the smokescreens, ditch the excuses…and god knows we are never more creative than when inventing socially acceptable excuses – the perennial favorite being “I don’t have time”. (I call *so much* bullshit on that, but for another post).


It’s always fear.

That’s the reason you “haven’t”.

Haven’t what, Jen?” * blinks innocently *

Knock it off. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Own it.

Stop crafting a plausible reason why you “haven’t” and let’s get to the heart of what’s really stopping you.

Ask yourself, “What am I really afraid of? What am I afraid will happen if I (insert your personal challenge here)?”

Then get quiet and let the answer arrive, without your intervention. Don’t censor it, second guess it, or rationalize it away. Be brave and brutally honest with yourself.

Only when you name the fear that’s been holding you back can you start to work through it.

Only then can you start to get “unstuck”.

Sparkle on, friends…💖


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A free tough love guide for the woman ready to change her life & love right now. 
This formula is exactly what I followed to find a whole new version of ME, and change my life…for the better. 
Change is rarely easy, but it’s always worth it. 

The Seven Step
Change Formula


I'm Jennifer, your tough love coach and biggest advocate for change. 

Activating YOUR courage and empowering YOUR personal leadership is my PURPOSE. And I'm damn good at it. ;) 

I am more passionately driven to create positive change in peoples lives than you can POSSIBLY fathom. It breaks my heart to watch people suffer when there's a way out. So if you're ready for real change? Real results? And to have fun along the way? I'm your girl. 

Oh, I’ll also hold you accountable and remind you why you started...'cause you'll forget at least once. ;) 

Are you ready to stop WANTING change, and finally EXPERIENCE it? 

yes please!

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Let’s get courageous. 

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© courage to rise 2023  |  Site credit  |  Photo CREDIT red5, sass, lynn clark, stella Modinaki



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